Friday 7 March 2008

6.03.08 Shoe-shine fear

This was a very quiet day following a night of very little sleep and an unsettled stomach. Thinking about the possible causes produced a prodigious list of potential culprits. Worryingly, Sanna has gastro enteritis; surely, I haven’t poisoned us?
I gingerly walked to my Spanish class through the Plaza Eduardo. It’s a lovely square, which is a hot bed of smoochers, slackers and shoe-shine boys. These lads represent the militant arm of a humble, inoffensive job. The boys cover their faces with balaclavas and adopt the proactive approach of chuggers, only without the false smiles or good intentions.


Kate said...

Hey Jon, great idea to start a blog, enjoying reading about your experiences... keep it up!

PS: Hello from freezing/raining storm-laden London. If you are at all homesick, don't be. It sucks here.

Kate said...

PS: It's Kate R by the way, just realised you probably won't know who 'first mate' is, or indeed that I had a blog until few months ago.